Monday, September 21, 2015

Questionnaire Justification

1. What is your gender?
These questions are basic background knowledge that when collected will allow me to gain an overall view of whether the audience for my music video should be male or female orientated. If for example it turns out to be mostly males then I will adapt the video to suit men more than women, i.e. feature more action or alternatively show women dancing to attract that audience.

2. What is your age?
The same goes for gaining age information, it is basic data about the overall demographic of the audience. Again acquiring this kind of data can be used to then target an age range, for example if I got young respondents then it means including intellectuality to reference modern things of the Rockabilly/ Psychobilly genre whereas if it turned out the audience were older/ middle aged then there would be more need to reference older texts in the video and/ or use elements of nostalgia to make it appeal to them.

3. What is your occupation?
Goes along with the previous two questions about gaining background knowledge about the audience, this kind of data can tell us whether they are more likely to view music videos i.e. the unemployed or part-time jobs might have more time to view such material, as oppose to those who are students or full-time workers.

4. How often do you watch music videos?
This is useful regards their viewing habits, if the majority of people watch music videos frequently then such a promotion will be worth while. It also will suggest to us whether references from other music videos are worth while since people who never watch music videos won't get them, but the more they watch videos then in addition they will know more about what is typical for videos of these genres and their opinions on what makes a good video will be more worth while.

5. How do you view music videos? 
Continuing with viewing habits it similarly gets information on which platform they watch videos therefore adjusting aspects so it is best for that type of viewing. It would also be valuable to know for promoting the video as to the best places to advertise it, whether they are an active audience (going out looking for the artists material (i.e. Vimeo or YouTube)) or passive audience (just viewing what is shown and advertised on social media.

6. What style of music video do you like?
With this question it helps me with the actual production i.e. what to base my video around, for example if they like live recordings then I will most likely include a live-performance video; or if they like a combination then I can mix and match the different styles.

7. What is the most vital aspect of a music video?
Allows me to check to see if having things such as a storyline for a music video or special effects will appeal to the audience of Rockabilly/ Psychobilly genre. As a result I can then opt to include or not include it.

8. On a scale of 1-5 how important is the style of the people featured in the video (i.e. looking a particular way or conforming to a certain style)?
This question is very useful as it gives me answers to how importance of visuals is for this audience. For example having people who look Rockabilly and what the venue looks like. Most likely this will be important and I will have to take into consideration this when I go out to film when it comes to selecting a location to film as well as who in the audience at a gig I will film.

9. Give two examples of music videos that you like:
By asking people to give examples of music videos they like I can then look at these videos and analyse what pro's and con's of them to see what I could incorporate or reference into my own production. It would also be interesting as to see if there are any videos people suggest in common with each other to see if their tastes are the same.

10. In your opinion what make a music video good/ interesting?
With this question people can freely put in things they would like to see in a music video for the Mojokings, I can then select any good suggestions and use them in the final production.

11. What media technique in a music video do you believe is the most important viewing aspect?
Similar to question 7 it allows me to see what the audience prioritise regards viewing a music video, the things that are most important I need to then make sure I get correct for example technical codes like camera angles or the style of people featured on screen.

12. Would you like to see the fans of an artist featured in a music video? (i.e. the audience watching a performance)
Something which is typical of the Rockabilly/ Psychobilly genre is seeing the audience in the crowd watching a band, this question is to see if the responses I get tally up with my expectations and see if it is something Mojokings fans would like to see in a video effectively about them.

13. Based purely on the covers (not the bands) please rank these CD covers from 1 - 5, with 5 stars being your favourite:
This question is based on the theory from Young and Rubicam to see about people's personality. Deliberately I have chosen different CD covers to see which is most popular among the Rockabilly/ Psychobilly audience. Each CD cover shows a different type of cover these are, abstract/ arty ones, ones showing the singer mainly on the font cover, ones showing the bands as a whole, basic ones showing a band logo and not much else as well as ones of a landscape or place. Finally one would be an old style or an original old CD which would suggest an older audience and their preference for nostalgia, it could also possibly link to the Resigned in Young and Rubicam's theory. Alternatively something like an arty or abstract CD cover being popular would suggest someone who is more of Mainstream audience member.

Mojokings Facebook Post - My Survey

Our friend & Mojokings fan Russell is currently studying Media at college. As part of the course he has to make a music...
Posted by MOJOKINGS on Monday, 21 September 2015

Questionnaire Preview

This is a questionnaire for my A-level media coursework where I am researching the music industry for this we are asked to find a local band that we like and produce a music video for them (Mojokings). To create a successful video we need to conduct some audience research into people's viewing habits & preferences regards music videos. All responses are greatly welcome (the more the better) and they are all anonymous. This is used purely for educational purposes. For reference my blog is Please feel free to share the link of both my blog and this survey. Note: Please answer all questions that are starred.

What is your occupation?
How often do you watch music videos?
How do you view music videos? (you can select multiple answers for this question)

What style of music video do you like?

What is the most vital aspect of a music video?
On a scale of 1-5 how important is the style of the people featured in the video (i.e. looking a particular way or conforming to a certain style)?
Give two examples of music videos that you like:
In your opinion what make a music video good/ interesting?
What media technique in a music video do you believe is the most important viewing aspect?
(Rank 1 - 5 with 1 being most & 5 being least)

Settings (technical how things are placed and general editing) 

Fashion & Clothing (of band and audience/ anyone featured in the video) 

Lighting (used for effect) 

Camera Work (range of different shots) 

Sound (quality of the song) 

Special Effects 
Would you like to see the fans of an artist featured in a music video? (i.e. the audience watching a performance)
Based purely on the images & artwork (not the bands or songs) please rank these CD covers from 1 - 5, with 5 stars being your favourite:
Kitty In A Casket - Bittersweet
The Brains - The Monster Within
The Delta Bombers
The Peacocks - Gimme More
Graveyard Johnnys - Streetblocks and City Lights
Stray Cats
Jack Rabbit Slim - Won't Stay Down
Knocksville - Way Long Gone