Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Shot List & Technical


These are a list of shots that I would like to have featured in my music video:
  • Start off as black with Mojokings logo "rock 'n' roll has got to go"
  • Cut to close up of Oli playing drums
  • Cut to footage of Rich playing bass (mid shot) with drums in background
  • Cut to (close-up of) guitar and pan across band showing all instruments
  • Close up of Paul singing
  • Shot of crowd dancing and people drinking
  • Focus on people's tattoos & clothes
  • Side angled shots showing all band 
  • Low angle shot of double bass
  • High angle shot of guitar & Paul on vocals
  • Close up of Mojokings bass drum
  • Action shot of band preparing to go on stage
  • Slow motion shot of Oli on drums
  • Pan across drinks balanced on amplifiers 
  • Shot of Paul playing guitar with Rich in background on bass (including some people in shot from the crowd)
  • Close up of mouth saying the lyrics
  • Eye line shot of drummer
  • Angled shot looking down the guitar

    Settings/ Technical:

    • Background Mojokings, Whatever Happened To Rock 'N' Roll banner
    • Shake effect on camera shots symbolising the loudness and power of the song (when bass & drums are shown)
    • TV static style transitions between shots
    • At the end of the video slowly fade out to black with crow cheering in the background
    • Slow down of some fasts shots i.e. drums & crowd dancing
    • Take sound from live performance to begin the song i.e. song name or 'thank you' at the end to incorporate into the video, make it different and seem more realistic
    • Saturation of shots to make them seem bright and vibrant
    • Intertextual references through costume can be made through featuring other bands T-shirts  merchandise - this is a conventional feature of Psychobilly music videos

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