Monday, January 18, 2016

Magazine Advert/ Poster

For my magazine advert/ poster idea I have continued with the blue theme from my Digipak. I have attempted to reflect the style of the album in this so that they go together as a whole package which has proven a successful strategy for other bands such as The Graveyard Johnnys with the release of their album and promotion for Dead Transmission, they also went for an alternative blue poster promotion which is mainly where I took my inspiration for the use of colours. The advert reflects the new CD (my digipak) which it is promoting as well as the band in general. The image used was taken at the same time as my digipak featuring the same Mojokings fan/ pin-up style female character as the front and back cover of the CD. Like my other images it was taken using my Nikon D3200 camera and edited mainly on PIXLR.

This is the unedited original photo used for the poster above.
Taken on my Nikon  D3200 DSLR camera.
To create the edited image I went on and used their tools (which are similar to that of Photoshop) to take out the colour of the origonal image. Next I tinted the photo blue and used the colour tool to make it more vibrant. To get the t-shirt looking dark to the same extent as the CD cover I turned up the contrast also bringing out the roughness of the wall in background (adding texture). Finally I then applied a filter effect which gives the starburst lines effect and turned that up to make it more visible. I then used PowerPoint to collect all the images together for the advert using it mainly to be able add the text which conforms to the style I set out in the digipak "True Crimes". After that I used a pen tool to give the scratches/ scribbles look for the eyes and the background of the text. The text was formatted to appeal like it is coming out at the viewer in the line "NEW ALBUM OUT NOW!!!". This was also done with the text in the bottom-right-hand-corner "PUNKED UP... JUNKED UP... ROCK 'N' ROLL!" which is one of the Mojokings original slogans referencing their origin. The logo of in the top-left-hand-corner is that of the Mojokings which is featured on all their merchandise as well as their drum. This logo was manipulated to fit in with the theme of the poster whereby I gave it a blue outline (using Photoshop) and then adding the scribbles effect to the background of it.

I decided to include a QR Code on my advert so that people with smartphones can simply scan  it and they will be directed to the Mojokings merchandise website, this is much quicker than having to type a URL or memorize it for later on. I have however included the web-address as well so that people who cant scan the code still have the link to the site. I chose the QR Code as it is something relatively new and modern which was something people in my audience research wanted to see (new and innovative ideas).

Staying on the promotion of the band I have used the logos of Facebook, Instagram and SoundCloud which are all social media platforms used by the band. This is so that people interested in looking at other songs, videos or tour dates can easily find more information by searching for the Mojokings on those websites. People know by seeing those icons that it symbolises that the band are on those forms of media. Also with the logos I have used the available on "iTunes" and "Google Play Store" to let people know that the new album can be bought on digital format from those online shops however with fans of the band and the genre of Rockabilly/ Psychobilly this may not be the most popular format which is why I have included a piece about vinyl which is extremely popular for bands to produce alongside with the digipaks. The reason for popularity of the 'older formats' of listening to music is due to the origins of the genre which was always on the classic records and in later years the CD, the overall piece was bought as a form of art as well as showing support to the band (buying their album from a gig) not purely music online.

Overall through the use of text and filters I have attempted to recreate a vintage-style poster which is the main look for adverts/ promotions for the Rockabilly/ Psychobilly genre. An example of having reference to old style movie posters is an advert for the Psychobilly Mayhem event. A good example of the advert reflecting the CD cover is the Kitty In A Casket poster for the album "Bittersweet".

1 comment:

  1. You already have some bones here for evaluation question 2, it just needs to be presented using a different app or platform and include some theory on the lines of convergent media, etc (exam section 2 stuff from last year). You should also write about star persona, representation and a shared narrative across the three pieces.
